Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Flying to Lanzarote, the Canary Island closest to Africa at 6:50 Thursday morning. 

It's 1:50 am and we're sitting in the Madrid airport...our home away from home. The last bus from Córdoba to Madrid leaves at 6 for early flights from Madrid we end up spending the night in "The Food Gallery", a lovely little snack bar in the airport full of loud Americans and homeless people. 

Lanzarote is "volcanic" in origin and apparently has very little vegetation--people say it's like going to another planet. Should be interesting. We'll keep you updated!

In the meantime, we're wearing as much clothing as we possibly can to avoid checking luggage with Easyjet. Margaret is wearing 2 sweaters and a sweatshirt, Kristin has jeans over leggings and is wearing her running sneakers. 

More to come!