Tuesday, March 24, 2009

the basics.

Ryanair and Easyjet are definitely the cheapest (but not always the easiest) ways to get around Europe. We've found flights to London for 100 euros round trip, and we've gotten tickets to Bruges (in Belgium) for 50 euros round trip (sometimes the airlines have special offers and you only have to pay one way, so book your tickets in advance!)

Tickets are cheap, but there are a few catches. 

First, the airlines make all of their money with their restrictions on baggage. One carry on really means ONE carry on--if you have a backpack and a small weekend bag and think you're going to get on the flight with both...you're not. The airlines make you wait in a long line to pay for your extra bag, and it's usually around 20 euros to check--so, instead of going through all of this, just pay for the extra bag online when you're buying your ticket, it's cheaper and easier. Keep in mind that overhead space is REALLY limited, everyone tries to carry their bags onboard. 

Secondly, these airlines usually fly into smaller airports in towns or cities outside of where you really think you're going. Gatwick, Stansted, and Luton airports for example are NOT in the city of London--they are each about an hour bus ride outside of the city. We found that the bus ride to and from the airports in most countries we have visited was no more than 15 euros (or pounds) one way. 

Also, there is no assigned seating on these flights. Group A boards first, group B second, and it's always a mad rush onto the plane, so prepare yourself. Bring a sweatshirt (the planes are freezing), charge your ipod (the airlines advertise the ENTIRE flight, Ryanair has its jingle on repeat), and pack your own food (drinks and snacks are overpriced). 

Not to make these airlines sound like the worst, but don't put anything valuable in a checked bag and never check a laptop. You get what you pay for.

Here are the links for the airlines:
Easyjet-  www.easyjet.com
RyanAir- www.ryanair.com

Related links, transportation in and around London: 


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