Style in Spain is...different.
We're mainly speaking for Córdoba, but truthfully, from what we've seen, not much changes as you go more north. You'd think that a country bordering France (the fashion center of the world) would be somewhat fashion forward...not the case.
Colors are bright, patterns clash, makeup is thick and hair ties always match shoelaces. So if you're coming to Spain looking for great shopping, prepare to be a little disappointed (really, go to France, people make style look effortless...it's unbelievable...more to come).
Yea, the style's bad in Spain, but there are a few European style norms that can be followed.
No one wears sweats...unless maybe you're going to the gym. If you wear sweats to class, you're asking for an unbelievable amount of stares.
It's currently 80 degrees in Córdoba, but because it's March people cannot fathom the idea of wearing sandals. We can't even begin to explain how many Spaniards ask us if our feet are cold on a daily basis. Europeans dress for the season, not the temperature.
Flip flops are for the beach. Tennis shoes are for the gym (dead tourist giveaway).
In general, Europeans are more proper. No one leaves the gym without showering and doing their hair and makeup. People look at us like we're insane if we stop at the supermarket on the way home in our work out clothes...tisk tisk.
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